
"Your Pathway to Peace"  

Unite on Common Agreement

for showing Integrity in striving for Happiness and Peace


   Respect for the human

Humans are unique in their variety.   
They have different colours and languages.   
They are formed by different cultures and religions.   
They are divided into different nations and local groups.   
Each has his own character,   
strengths and weaknesses.

I do not rate the value of a human being by his colour,   
not by his language or religion,   
not by his wealth or success,   
not by his intelligence or handicap,   
not by his age or gender.

Such as male and female   
build a unity,   
I regard Women and Men   
as partners which complement one another.

I declare myself upon strength willing   
to relieve the distress of my fellow men  
and to respect their weaknesses.


   The spiritual human being

Human is a spiritual being.   
As spiritual being we make a human experience.   
The family of mankind as a whole is a single unity.   
Mankind is part of evolution   
and child of mother earth.

No human can claim the absolute truth.   
I respect the truth of every human being.   
I tolerate the freedom of his opinion,   
his believe and his conscience.

I believe in the deep truth   
of every kind of spirituality.

I condemn and dissociate   
from every abuse of religion   
in the sign of power,   
for suppression and exploitation   
of women, men and children.   
I combat every call to war and violance   
in the name of religion.


   Responsibility for man and creation

Each human has an indefeasible right   
for corporal and mental welfare.   
Each creature has a right for a living space.

I campaign for the welfare   
of my family and my friends,   
of my village and my country,   
of the international community and the whole planet.

I respect the creation and each creature   
and want to save beauty and balance of nature.

I advocate peace and friendship between   
nations and people in my surroundings.   
I support the exchange of goods   
and the compensation between those in abundance   
and those in poverty.


   Knowledge about reality and truth

Man has knowledge about an immanent reality   
and a transcendent truth.   
The knowledge about carnal reality   
is subject to scientific verification.   
The knowledge about ulterior truth   
is subject to personal experience.

Obtainment, preservation and propagation   
of knowledge and information   
is after love the highest human ambition.   
Free access to knowledge and information   
is the right of every human.

Each propagation of information has to happen   
in service of truth and welfare of man.   
I will never abuse, distort or retain   
knowledge and information   
to manipulate humans or to harm them.

I act with the cognition,   
that my truth always remains my own   
and force nobody upon it.


   From unity to happiness and peace 

The existence is created out of unity.
Unity is experienced in the now as a moment of eternity.
Such the bliss of oneness becomes truth.
This is the state of love, giving peace and enabling creativity.

The existence is governed by law.
It becomes reality in form of polarities
which appear as dualities, paradoxes and complementaries.
The mind enables to cognition and demands choice.

The free will is expressed in the choice of orientation.
Choosing orientation is the only form of freedom.
Positive orientation causes positive effects.
Negative orientation causes negative effects.

When I choose positive orientation, I choose my own happiness.
Choosing positive orientation is the only way to peace.
I choose positive orientation for my life purpose
in order to bring peace into the world.